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Editor's choice

Krk is Croatia’s First Island to Achieve Zero Waste Certification


Luxury Living Croatia


Editor's choice

Krk is Croatia’s First Island to Achieve Zero Waste Certification


Luxury Living Croatia

Krk is Croatia’s First Island to Achieve Zero Waste Certification

The island of Krk, often called the "Golden Island" for its beauty and rich history, has made headlines by becoming the first island in Croatia and the second in the world to earn the prestigious Zero Waste certification. This recognition, awarded by Zero Waste Europe and the Mission Zero Academy, highlights Krk’s commitment to sustainability and its impressive progress in managing waste responsibly.

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The Kvarner Gem: Island of Krk

Located in the Adriatic Sea, Krk is one of Croatia’s largest and most popular islands. Known for its stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and charming villages, it attracts visitors from all over the world. Krk is also steeped in history, with ancient ruins, medieval churches, and lively local traditions that make it a cultural gem. Despite its popularity as a tourist destination, the island has managed to balance its natural beauty with a commitment to preserving the environment.

The Zero Waste Journey

On October 30, 2024, Krk celebrated a groundbreaking achievement. In a ceremony held in the Great Council Hall of Cinema Krk, the island and its seven municipalities—Krk, Baška, Dobrinj, Malinska-Dubašnica, Omišalj, Punat, and Vrbnik—were awarded the Zero Waste certification. The certification recognizes their joint efforts in reducing waste and protecting the environment.

This achievement wouldn’t have been possible without the work of Ponikve Eko Otok Krk, the company managing waste collection on the island. Through their dedication, Krk has become a leader in waste management, earning a one-star rating on the Zero Waste Europe scale—a strong start on a ladder that goes up to five stars.

Impressive Results

Krk’s success is even more remarkable given the challenges it faces, especially during the busy summer months when thousands of tourists visit. Despite this, the island has managed to collect 58% of its waste separately for recycling, much higher than Croatia’s national average. Additionally, Krk has reduced the amount of mixed waste per person by 22% compared to the rest of the country.

These accomplishments are thanks to a mix of smart planning, public education, and advanced infrastructure. The island has built sorting plants, composting facilities, and seven recycling centers to ensure waste is managed efficiently. Local residents and visitors alike are encouraged to reduce, reuse, and recycle, helping the island reach its goals.

A Better Life for Residents

The benefits of these efforts go beyond the environment. Residents of Krk have reported high levels of satisfaction with their quality of life, according to a survey conducted this year. Cleaner streets, better waste management, and a shared sense of responsibility for the island’s future all contribute to making Krk a wonderful place to live.

Earning the Zero Waste certification is just the beginning for Krk. The one-star rating reflects significant progress but also leaves room for improvement. The island’s leaders are determined to build on this success by continuing to reduce waste and improve sustainability practices.

Krk’s achievement serves as a model for other islands and communities around the world. It shows that even small places can make a big difference when people work together toward a common goal.

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