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Editor's choice

Love Cheese? Explore Famous Pag Cheese at Gligora Dairy's Tour!


Luxury Living Croatia


Editor's choice

Love Cheese? Explore Famous Pag Cheese at Gligora Dairy's Tour!


Luxury Living Croatia

Love Cheese? Explore Famous Pag Cheese at Gligora Dairy's Tour!

Are you a cheese lover constantly on the hunt for unique and exquisite flavors? If so, prepare to embark on a culinary journey to the stunning island of Pag in Croatia, home to one of the world's finest cheeses. Renowned for its rich texture and distinctive taste, Pag cheese is more than just a dairy product—it's a taste of the Adriatic coast, crafted with passion and precision. Join us as we delve into the history, production, and unparalleled delights of this extraordinary cheese and discover why Gligora Dairy is a must-visit destination for every cheese aficionado.

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What Makes Pag Cheese Special?

The answer lies in the island itself. Pag cheese, or Paški sir, is a gastronomic gem that stands out due to a unique combination of environmental, traditional, and artisanal factors. Originating from the stunning island of Pag in Croatia, this cheese benefits from the region's arid landscape and aromatic herbs such as sage and thyme, which infuse the milk with a distinctive flavor. The strong bura wind, carrying sea salt across the island, further enhances the taste of the vegetation and, consequently, the milk of the sheep grazing there.

The traditional production methods play a crucial role in making Pag cheese special. Gligora Dairy, renowned for its artisanal craftsmanship, adheres to centuries-old techniques, including milking the indigenous Pag sheep, known for their high butterfat content. The cheese undergoes a meticulous curdling and aging process, ensuring its creamy texture and complex flavor profile. Each wheel of cheese is aged for a minimum of four months in carefully controlled conditions, allowing it to develop its characteristic crumbly texture and balanced notes of saltiness, savoriness, and a hint of tanginess from the island's herbs.

The Cheese Tour Experience

Visitors to Pag have the unique opportunity to embark on a cheese tour that offers an immersive experience into the world of Pag Cheese. The tour begins with a visit to one of the island's most famous dairies – the Gilogora Diary, where guests can witness the cheese-making process firsthand. From the milking of the sheep to the aging of the cheese in special cellars, every step of the production is fascinating. Explore the modern dairy facility, built in 2009, featuring state-of-the-art equipment used for crafting hard and semi-hard cheeses. Visit the maturing cave, six meters underground, where 200 tonnes of cheese are stored at various stages of maturation.

The highlight of the tour is, of course, the tasting session. Here, guests can sample different varieties of Pag Cheese, ranging from young, milder cheeses to well-aged, intensely flavored ones. The tasting is accompanied by local wines and other regional delicacies, making it a true feast for the senses. Conclude your tour with a visit to the Gligora store, where you can purchase their exquisite cheeses and other local delicacies to take home.

Fun Facts About Pag Cheese and Gilogora Dairy

The unique taste of Paški Sir is mainly due to the island's salty grasses and aromatic herbs that the sheep graze on.

Gligora Dairy produces over 450 tons of cheese annually, around 50 tons being Pag cheese.

Pag cheese has been produced on the island of Pag since the 12th century.

The Gligora Dairy is the most awarded dairy in Croatia and among the most recognized globally, with over 100 awards from various cheese competitions.

To book your tour, visit Gligora Dairy's website.

Photo credit:,, Miran Kristof/,,

Love Cheese? Explore Famous Pag Cheese at Gligora Dairy's Tour!fullscreen icon

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