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Continental Croatia

Editor's choice

Cogito Coffe: Liquid Gold in a Cup


Luxury Living Croatia

Continental Croatia

Editor's choice

Cogito Coffe: Liquid Gold in a Cup


Luxury Living Croatia

Cogito Coffe: Liquid Gold in a Cup

As we're writing this article, we're sipping our second cup of coffee. This sweet nectar is something that many people, including us, can't start the day without. It is our ritual, our starting point towards a productive day. 

And while travelling, we want to experience different cultures, but sometimes we don't want to give up on some of our luxuries, like drinking that cup of fresh coffee made how we like it. Well, you're lucky because Cogito Coffee has just the coffee you need.

Let's find out more about this amazing beverage before we let you in on our Croatian secret about the best coffee places. 

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The Origins

Although it originates from Ethiopia, coffee is grown throughout Latin America, India, Africa, South–East Asia and Brazil. Legend says that a goat herder first discovered coffee in today's Ethiopia after he noticed that his goats were pretty energetic after eating some berries from a tree. 

He reported this to the local priest, who made a drink from those berries and kept him awake throughout the night. Soon, the word began to spread. Finally, it reached today's Yemen, and by the 15th century, coffee was being grown; by the 16th century, it was known all around Persia and the Levant region. 

By the 17th century, coffee came to Europe; the rest is history. Nothing has changed with coffee. People enjoy it now as they enjoyed it centuries ago. They were drinking it at home, and in coffee houses, which were especially popular in the middle east, they were the social centre of every neighbourhood. You see? Very little has changed. Except for the variety of blends, and that's where Cogito Coffee comes to play.

Specialty coffee roaster

For us, the end users, Cogito has ensured that we only receive the best. That's not a small feat at all. The chain that leads from the coffee tree to the cup in which our daily dose of happiness and energy is poured is long, and only one weak link is enough for the final product not to make us feel how it usually does. 

Planting and tending coffee trees requires much knowledge and skill, as you must know the soil and local climate precisely. Also, picking coffee cherries should always be done by hand at the right time to ensure there is enough sugar. Oh yeah, coffee cherries. Didn't expect that, did you? 

Coffee beans we all love and cherish are inside those cherries, which need to be dried, or washed to get to the beans. Both methods need to be done very carefully. When dried, beans get cleaned of excess layers and then are graded and sorted. Then beans get shipped unroasted (called green coffee), and the magic happens when they're finally delivered to the roasting house. It's something of an art when coffee is roasted; you have to know precisely when the bean is roasted just enough to get the full flavour.

So you see how much it takes to get that fresh, mesmerizing brew we all crave in the morning, during the day, sometimes in the evening, and when deadlines are approaching, late in the night.

Like getting the coffee, Cogito Coffee puts a lot of effort and knowledge into roasting it. They source their fresh green coffee seasonally to ensure freshness and then roast it to satisfy even the pickiest of coffee drinkers.

Their success story started in Zagreb, where they had their charming cafe. They offered specially roasted coffee from small European roasting houses. Then they opened their own and immediately gained a lot of popularity. Now you can enjoy premium coffee blends in over 9 locations across Croatia (Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Zadar), and even Dubai and Philadelphia, USA! 

Good coffee knows no borders, and as it became known worldwide in the Middle Ages, Cogito Coffee is doing that again with its premium roasts. 

You can buy great coffee directly at their web shop or have a cup at some locations.

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